

In Uncategorized on May 17, 2011 at 6:37 am

I stumbled across these videos by a guy called Wildeflower last week (his real name is Max, like) and they really grabbed me. He told me he does a bunch of projects, but that Wildeflower has always been his most personal one, and you can really hear that in some of the tracks. There is surely no better way for music to exist than it does here, as an utterly free artistic expression with no pressures, expectations or burdens whatsoever.

Anyway, first and foremost I implore you to go and check out the Wildeflower website and take in the tracks as they were meant to be taken in, accompanied by some interesting and quite charming visuals. Then help yourself to a download of the beautiful ‘Good Girl’, and have a listen to ‘In the Sun’ too…

Wildeflower – Good Girl (download from soundcloud)

Wildeflower – In the Sun

Apparently the plan is to start getting a 3 track EP together at the start of June. Can’t wait.

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